Selskar College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Leaving Certificate Applied

At Selskar College the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme ensures the students enjoy positive experiences of the Leaving Certificate Programme and ensures that students develop their confidence and enhance their self esteem.

The learning experiences are active and practical where students apply their knowledge, skills and experience to real life situations in the school, in the workplace and in the community.

The Co-ordinator Ms M. Prendergast, works with the Principal Ms Ryan and a team of teachers to finalise the Programme. Work experience is a compulsory component of the Programme. At our College Students attend work one day a week. Students sample a range of jobs throughout the two years.

As well as work experience, the programme has three main elements:

  1. Vocational Preparation – preparing students for the work place
  2. Vocational Education – providing education in specific skills
  3. General Education

Student progress is monitored and assessed throughout the two years and students gain “credits” as they go along. Students’ work and skill development is assessed in different ways including interview, written, oral and practical components.

Four times throughout the two years students get a statement of their results from the State Examinations Commission. In this way they experience regular feedback on their success and achievements. Achievement is acknowledged and rewarded throughout the two years at the School. Parents are involved at every stage of the Programme through Information meetings and celebration of students ` results.

All students of Leaving Certificate Applied take the following subjects:

  • Vocational Preparation and Guidance
  • English and Communication
  • Mathematical Applications
  • Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
  • Arts Education
  • Social Education
  • Irish
  • Modern language
  • Elective Modules

In addition to the above students complete two specialist vocational courses. These Vocational Specialisms develop specific skills and knowledge relevant to a range of careers.

The Vocational Specialism on offer at the college are:

  • Engineering or Construction Studies
  • Hotel Catering and Tourism
  • Information and Communication Technology

Any queries you might have in relation to the Leaving Certificate Applied Course please contact M.Prendergast L.C.A. Coordinator at the College.

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Westgate, Wexford Y35 RY27
Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2025 Selskar College